Is Global Warming Caused By Mankind?
Listening to the so called experts such as Dave Suzuki and Al Gore, the world population is led to believe that CO2 emissions are the major cause of climate change. The result is that governments of many countries throughout the entire world are being pressured by many scientists and their counterparts to spend literally billions of dollars to clean up their act and take steps to reduce C02 and the human carbon footprint left on the planet. I have read several articles in the past few years that speak to the plight of the polar bear and their decline in numbers because of warming climate and lateness of artic ice freeze-up with the blame being placed on pollution and man made causes. The latest article spoke to a couple of what must have been brain-dead scientists actually observing the starvation of two polar bear cubs instead of being proactive and finding some way of providing some life-saving temporary food source, all because of Parks Canada legislation forbidding the feeding of wild life in a designated park area. I for one remain a skeptic as to causes of climate change primarily because of the contradictory findings within the scientific world itself. While I applaud and promote efforts to reduce C02 emissions, pollution and common sense and cost effective recycling initiatives I remain suspicious that the overall human effect on climate change itself is rather miniscule and little can be done to counter the forces of nature and the universe one way or the other.
Thanks to today’s technology we have the ability to keep record of the many reports of studies on this subject and in reviewing some of them it seems strange and questionable to me that in spite of the contradictory reports, many in the scientific world insist that climate change is manmade.
For example, in the enclosed links
one study speaks to the extinction of the woolly mammoth some 10,000 years ago and another to reduced muskox numbers some 12,000 years ago both primarily because of climate change.
The 3rd link reports the discovery in the early eighties of evidence of animal life on Devon Island in the Arctic some 70 million years ago. Just how much pollution and carbon footprint was made by the human population 10,000, 12,000 or 70 million years ago and what were the reasons for climate change at that time? Nevertheless the environmental fanatics fed one-sided information by the likes of Suzuki, Gore and many in the scientific community persist in pressuring our governments to spend billions of dollars with little or no regard to the economic consequences or the impact on the ability of the world to increase food production for the worlds growing population. I take my hat off to our present Federal Government’s position in resisting the pressure tactics of the environmental extremists in not passing C02 reduction related legislation that would require the spending of billions of our much needed dollars. As a matter of interest, I understand that if Canada were to totally eliminate all C02 emissions, meaning no coal fired power generation, no electrical or carbon fuelled automotive and agricultural equipment (basically shutting down all our oil and natural gas supplies) of any kind the impact world wide would be somewhat less than a 2% decrease. In spite of this the extremists are painting Canada as the bad guy because our governing body is not caving in to their outrageous demands. Political expediency may have dictated otherwise as evidenced by the campaign platform of at least one of the opposition parties during the last Federal election. Go figure????
Karl Strahm
The “Doubting Thomas”